Above Mat
Typically used for imprinting specification meaning the top matted area above the photo opening where imprinting shall be done. Most folders and easels are able to have imprinting done on this section; however, some have too thin of a mat or too large of a trim for it to be possible.
Below Mat
Typically used for imprinting specification meaning the bottom matted area below the photo opening where imprinting shall be done. Most folders and easels are able to have imprinting done on this section; however, some have too thin of a mat or too large of a trim for it to be possible.
Budget frames are typically smaller in total size and in thickness. As noted by the Hashtag Folder and Panel Mount, both have very thin borders and the size of the actual frame is closer to the dimensions of the photo you are inserting. These frames typically do not have any glossy trims and use thinner card stock.
Easels are frames which have no flap in front and typically have a fold-out tab in back to allow them to be free standing. Most easels have two flaps in back for 2 orientations, allowing them to be used vertically or horizontally.
  Horizontal Orientation ---Vertical Orientation
Easel Tab
The easel tabs are included in all easel frames and allow them to be free standing. As noted by the Panel Mount Easel Tabs to the right, there are tabs for both a vertical and a horizontal picture. The tabs easily pop out from the back and can be easily placed back into the frame if you want to display it lying down or framed.
Folders are frames that have a flap in front which allow them to open like a book and be free standing. Folders come in both vertical and horizontal orientations and can be used interchangeably.
Imprinting method used to have your logo printed on a particular frame. Frames must be white, as well as non-glossy, where you are having your logo printed. As noted by this example, the client printed on the inside cover of the Abstract Trim Folder.
Horizontal Orientation
This type of orientation is used to display group photographs and is also known as landscape. Horizontal frames have a longer width than they do height. A typical size you might see is 10x8 or 7x5.
Logo Imprinting - Hot Stamping Process
Process to physically create a stamp die of your logo and have them stamped on the frames. This includes Foil Imprinting and Embossing/Debossing. This process allows you to have your logo on any color frame. Please note further specifications in the product page.
Mat or Matting
Area around the image can be supplemented for the word "border". As noted by this example, the frame on the left has a blue mat with a gold trim. The image on the right is the blue mat extracted from that folder to further show what we are speaking about.
Memory Mates are a composite of two photograph openings on one frame. Most typically is a 7x5 opening and a smaller 3.5x5 above it. Each memory mate has a fold out tab in the back which allows it to be free standing.
Polaroid/Instax refers to frames that would fit a Polaroid/Instax picture. Polaroid/Instax pictures are taken from Polaroid/Instax cameras.
Premium frames are typically larger (such as mat size) and made with thicker cardboard. As noted by both the Capri Folder and Alumni Easel, they have gold trims around the view-able area, and denser cardboard is used.
Purchase Orders are done for corporate, government, educational or charitable organizations who want to get billed for their order. We are able to set them up on a NET 15 or NET 30 Terms (payable 15 or 30 days after product is received) and need just an authorized signature on a company letter head faxed to us with the original order. Visit our Purchase Order page for full details.
Text Imprinting - Hot Stamping Process
Process to allow text to be imprinted on frames. With this you are allowed 26 characters (including spaces) per line with two consecutive lines. Imprinted areas can include front cover, inside cover, bottom mat, top mat and back cover. Customers can complete their text imprinting order over the internet and visually see how it will turn out. For more information/examples please Click Here!
Trim Line
Refers to the border color typically around the image opening. As noted by this example, the frame on the left has a gold trim. The image on the right is the gold trim extracted from that folder to further show what we are speaking about.
Vertical Orientation
Used to display individual photographs. Vertical frames have a longer height than they do width. A typical size you might see is 5x7 or 8x10.
Viewable Area or Viewable Window
The area that is actually view-able to the eye. Most frames have a view-able area that is slightly less than the size of the photo inserted. This is because the edges of the photo is covered slightly by the mat of the frame. In the example to the right, the 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 is the view-able area of this 4x6 photo inserted. The red border shows the overlap of the frame and the picture roughly covering 1/2 " on each side.